029: Stories from The SHIFT Sessions® Part One

029: Stories from The SHIFT Sessions® Part One





Hey Shift Seeker!


On this week’s episode of The Get UNstuck® Podcast, Laura is joined by two of the most recent grads from The SHIFT Sessions® who share their stories of EPIC transformation. 


Listen in to the episode here >> Ep. 029: Stories from The SHIFT® Sessions Part One


Tune in to discover:

  • Luisa’s story of how her marriage completely transformed because of her experience inside The SHIFT Sessions®. “Doing this is like pressing the reset button where you get back to who you really are. It’s so liberating.”
  • Why when we’re on the brink of something huge, that’s often when we get all the resistance. 
  • How when we make the decision to shift, nothing can stop us. 
  • The power of shifts away from thoughts of, “That’s a waste of money”, “Who do you think you are?” to “I deserve to take care of myself”.
  • How your own inner transformation is a gift to everyone around you
  • What you need to know if you’re scared of “opening Pandora’s Box” or worried you don’t have the time or money to work on yourself
  • What changes when you find your own internal permission and validation 
  • The “secret” to expanding your capacity to receive and how Polly doubled her income through The SHIFT Sessions® 

Luisa Ricci Wise -
Polly Lavarello -


Your invitation to join my 6-week subconscious reprogramming experience, The SHIFT Sessions®, is open for a few more days! Enrolment closes on Monday and there’s a seat with your name on waiting for you to claim it. 


For more inspiration to help you get unstuck and moving towards more of what you really desire,  find Laura here: